The Advocates for Youth Education (AYE) Scholarship Program helps pave the way for young African-American students in the Greater Cincinnati-area to attain their college dreams and develop as professionals. Our dedication and work are based on the belief that when we invest in our youth they will continue to invest in future generations.

“The purpose of AYE is to help students be able to accomplish their educational goals and to be inspired to give back to others when they are able.”
-The Founder, Merri Gaither Smith

“The purpose of AYE is to help students be able to accomplish their educational goals and to be inspired to give back to others when they are able.”
-The Founder, Merri Gaither Smith
Our Mission at AYE
AYE’s mission is to provide scholarships to high-achieving African-American high school seniors in the Cincinnati-area who have enrolled in a four-year accredited college or university.
Advocates for Youth Education Incorporated is comprised of a predominantly African-American, but diverse membership of more than fifty professional women who are invited to join the organization and who agree to contribute to the scholarship fund annually, to support AYE’s core mission.

History of AYE
In July 1989, Merri Gaither Smith invited Rosa Blackwell, Agnes Parker, Myrtis Powell, and Lee Etta Powell to her Cincinnati home to discuss their interest in starting an organization to provide college and university scholarships to high achieving minority high school students.  By August 1989, twenty women expressed interest in supporting and joining AYE.
Today, AYE is comprised of a diverse group of more than 50 professional women, a majority of whom are African-American. Together these women have contributed to the educational advancement of local youth from throughout the Greater Cincinnati area.
Our Impact
Providing Scholarships Since 1989
Over 400 Scholarships Have Been Awarded
In Excess of 1 Million Scholarship Dollars Have Been Awarded
How The AYE Scholarship Program Works
Graduating African-American high school seniors in the Cincinnati-area are eligible to apply for the AYE Scholarship. Â Our scholarship supports students with demonstrated financial need who have applied to and plan to enroll in a four-year accredited college program.Â
Application Available | Â January | ||
Applications Due | February | ||
Applicant Interviews | April | ||
Scholarship Banquet | May |
Scholarships awards vary from year-to-year but typically range from $1,000-$3,500 per student. Confirmation of actual enrollment at a four-year accredited program is required before funds are released by AYE.

Messages from Our Scholars
Congratulations to our 2024 Scholars!

Class of 2024 Scholarship Recipients | |||
Nadiyah Allen | KeAzia Anderson | Sydney Boone | Aubreyana Chase |
Destiny Eglian | Maniya Franklin | Michael Manuel | Arielle Miller |
Angelina Olinger | Nailah Prophett | Aqeelah Rasheed | Kiyvona Robinson |
Not photographed: Asante Sacko |
Aiken High School | Fairfield High School | Mason High School | Oyler High School | Shroder Paideia High School | Talawanda High School | Wyoming High School |
Cincinnati Christian High School | Finneytown High School | Mercy/McAuley High School | Princeton High School | Seton High School | Ursuline Academy High School | |
Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy | Gamble Montessori | Moeller High School | Purcell Marian High School | Seven Hills High School | Walnut Hills High School | |
Clark Montessori High School | Hughes /Hughes STEM High School | Mt. Healthy | Reading High School | St. Ursula High School | Western Hills Univ. High School | |
Colerain High School | Indian Hill High School | Mt. Notre Dame High School | Riverview East Academy | St. Xavier High School | Winton Woods High School | |
Dater High School | Lakota | North College Hill High School | Roger Bacon High School | Summit Country Day School | Withrow High School | |
DePaul Cristo Rey High School | LaSalle High School | Northwest High School | School for the Creative and Performing Arts | Taft/Taft Information Technology High School | Woodward Career Technical High School |
American University | Central State University | Florida A&M University | Kent State University | North Carolina A&T University | Temple University | University of Dayton | Virginia State University |
Auburn University | Christ College of Nursing & Health Sciences | Georgetown College | Kentucky State University | Northeastern University | Tennessee State University | University of Georgia | Washington University |
Baldwin-Wallace College | Clark Atlanta University | Georgia Institute of Technology | Kettering University | Northern Kentucky University | Tennessee State University | University of Manoa | Wheaton College |
Berea College | Cleveland State University | Goshen College | Lee University | Northwestern University | The College of Wooster | University of Michigan | Wingate University |
Berklee College of Music | Coastal Carolina University | Hampton University | Loyola Marymount | Notre Dame College | Tiffin University | University of Missouri | Wittenberg University |
Bluffton University | College of Mount St. Joseph | Heidelberg University | Merrimack College | Ohio State University | Transylvania University | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Wright State University |
Bowling Green University | Davidson College | Hocking College | Miami University | Oberlin Conservatory of Music | Truman State University | University of Notre Dame | Xavier University Cincinnati |
Butler University | Duke University | Howard University | MIT | Pepperdine University | Tufts University | University of Rochester | Xavier University New Orleans |
Capitol University | Eastern Michigan University | Indiana University | Morehead State University | Purdue University | Tuskegee University | University of San Diego | Yale University |
Carnegie Melon University | Emory University | Jackson State University | Morehouse College | Shawnee State | University of Akron | University of Toledo | |
Case Western University | Fisk University | Kalamazoo University | Mount St. Joseph University | Spelman College | University of Cincinnati | Vanderbilt University |
Aiken High School |
Cincinnati Christian High School |
Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy |
Clark Montessori High School |
Colerain High School |
Dater High School |
DePaul Cristo Rey High School |
Fairfield High School |
Finneytown High School |
Gamble Montessori |
Hughes /Hughes STEM High School |
Indian Hill High School |
Lakota |
LaSalle High School |
Mason High School |
Mercy/McAuley High School |
Moeller High School |
Mt. Healthy/Clark Montessori |
Mt. Notre Dame High School |
North College Hill High School |
Northwest High School |
Oyler High School |
Princeton High School |
Purcell Marian High School |
Reading High School |
Riverview East Academy |
Roger Bacon High School |
School for the Creative and Performing Arts |
Shroder Paideia High School |
Seton High School |
Seven Hills High School |
St. Ursula High School |
St. Xavier High School |
Summit Country Day School |
Taft/Taft Information Technology High School |
Talawanda High School |
Ursuline Academy High School |
Walnut Hills High School |
Western Hills Univ. High School |
Winton Woods High School |
Withrow High School |
Woodward Career Technical High School |
Wyoming High School |
American University |
Auburn University |
Baldwin-Wallace College |
Berea College |
Berklee College of Music |
Bluffton University |
Bowling Green University |
Butler University |
Capitol University |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Case Western University |
Central State University |
Christ College of Nursing & Health Sciences |
Clark Atlanta University |
Cleveland State University |
Coastal Carolina University |
College of Mount St. Joseph |
Davidson College |
Duke University |
Eastern Michigan University |
Emory University |
Fisk University |
Florida A&M University |
Georgetown College |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
Goshen College |
Hampton University |
Heidelberg University |
Hocking College |
Howard University |
Indiana University |
Jackson State University |
Kalamazoo University |
Kent State University |
Kentucky State University |
Kettering University |
Lee University |
Loyola Marymount |
Merrimack College |
Miami University |
M.I.T. |
Morehead State University |
Morehouse College |
Mount St. Joseph University |
North Carolina A&T University |
Northeastern University |
Northern Kentucky University |
Northwestern University |
Notre Dame College |
Oberlin Conservatory of Music |
Ohio State University |
Pepperdine University |
Purdue University |
Shawnee State |
Spelman College |
Temple University |
Tennessee State University |
Texas Southern University |
The College of Wooster |
Tiffin University |
Transylvania University |
Truman State University |
Tufts University |
Tuskegee University |
University of Akron |
University of Cincinnati |
University of Dayton |
University of Georgia |
University of Manoa |
University of Michigan |
University of Missouri |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
University of Notre Dame |
University of Rochester |
University of San Diego |
University of Toledo |
Vanderbilt University |
Virginia State University |
Washington University |
Wheaton College |
Wingate University |
Wittenberg University |
Wright State University |
Xavier University Cincinnati |
Xavier University New Orleans |
Yale University |
AYE Gallery
Help Spread The Word
If you know of a well-deserving African-American high school senior in the Cincinnati-area who could benefit from our scholarship, please encourage them to apply during the annual scholarship application period from January-February.